08 8375 2000

Igniting your passions – Volunteerability

Orana’s Volunteerability program recognises the value volunteers bring to our society.

Volunteerability is working to create meaningful roles to support people with disability in their community after recently releasing a new toolkit to support volunteers and volunteer organisations.

This free service has helped two new volunteers connect to their community and bring out an underlying passion.

Ellie was introduced to the world of volunteering after receiving a referral from a local Case Manager.

Ellie was pursuing a career in sports when she developed a degenerative physical condition that forced her to reconsider her plans.
After having always had an interest in science, Volunteerability matched Ellie with Sci-World, an organisation that provides fun, educational science experiences for school students.

Ellie’s interest in the field grew as she assumed her new volunteer position as Lab Assistant. Within her role, she is responsible for packing chemicals and equipment, ready for educators to inspire the next generation.

Following her volunteering experiences, Ellie has now enrolled in a science degree at university, and is looking forward to igniting her passion further with a career in science.

Kristen, like Ellie, was referred to Volunteerability through her Support Coordinator. After feeling isolated and living with a psychosocial disability, Kristen was encouraged to explore social and community participation to reach her NDIS plan goals.

Volunteering has been the perfect platform for Kristen to reach her goals and rekindle her passion within the art space.
Kristen has recently become involved with her local art gallery and has taken on the role of a regular volunteer guide. She is passionate about art and enjoys sharing her love and enthusiasm with the members of her community.

Kristen has developed her confidence and social skills through volunteering, and is now eager to share her knowledge with others.

Interested in finding a volunteer position that matches your passions, skills and abilities?
Contact our team on 8375 2000 or at oranaonline.com.au to find out more.

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