08 8375 2000
Orana Business Services employee.

How do I get a job at Orana?

Once you have checked your eligibility, contact Orana and we will set up a time to talk to you about your employment options, what you’re interested in, and what we can do for you.

Do I need to work full time?

No, but you will need to work at least four days a week. We can talk about your work hours before you start your job. Our team is flexible to support your requirements for employment.

How much pay will I receive?

When you first start, the staff will look at how productive you are and what your key skills are and make an assessment. This will be your starting wage. After your three-month trial, you will be assessed again. If the second assessment is higher than your starting assessment, you will be back-paid for your three-month trial period.

Is there an opportunity for a pay rise?

Yes! Your wage will be re-assessed every year. If the results are higher than your current wage, you will get a pay increase.

Do I need any skills or experience?

We train you on the job, so you don’t need any skills beforehand. However, if you have any skills or experience, you should let Orana know when you contact us.

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