08 8375 2000

COVID-19 Update: 27 July 2021

The statewide lockdown will lift at 12.01am on Wednesday 28th July, with a return to work on Wednesday for all Orana locations.

However, some changes will remain in place at Orana over the coming week with slightly more relaxed restrictions in line with the State Government’s gradual step down in restrictions announced this morning, Tuesday 27th July.

We will be limiting non-essential visitors for the coming week to allow for the one person per four square metre density limits so where possible please wait until restrictions are further lifted, if possible when visiting an Orana site.

In line with government directives on mask wearing in high-risk settings, the wearing of masks will continue at Orana, with the major focus being mask wearing in all client-facing areas of the business, where there is direct contact with clients.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on 8375 2000.

For further information visit www.covid-19.sa.gov.au website.

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